What Makes America Great: Said the Republican Convention

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice: United States "voice is muted" under Obama ”There is no doubt the United States' voice has been muted," Rice said on "CBS This Morning," adding, "When the United States' voice is muted, the world is a more dangerous place."
Ms. Rice has a myopic view of the world we live in.  During the term of her office, the United States attacked two countries, Iraq and Afghanistan.  During that period the international attitude toward the United States negatively changed. 

What was wrong with America:  assertive unilateralism and internationalism?

“U.S. standing—its position with respect to reputation, stature, or prestige in world affairs—declined dramatically in the past decade. Many American leaders and citizens worry that this decline, despite a recent upturn, may be part of a long-term trend that will be hard to reverse.

President George W. Bush initiated a new national strategy for the United States that favored the credibility dimension of standing—emphasizing a policy package of assertive unilateralism, preventive use of force, and aggressive democratization.

Yet, over time, despite the lack of further terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, the Bush
administration’s single-minded approach lost significant support at home and abroad, as the
The United States grew mired in Iraq, was accused of violations of international law, and drew
international criticism and resentment—even as Osama bin Laden remained at large. The
attendant declines in standing, in terms of both credibility and esteem, only made it harder
for the United States to be effective in foreign affairs—prompting the Bush administration to
take what some saw as a reverse course after 2005, returning to a posture that was more akin
to the typical pattern of American internationalism since World War II”.

Source:” the US Standing in the World:  Causes, Consequences, and the Future, Long Report of the Task Force on U.S. Standing in World Affairs”, September 2009 http://www.apsanet.org/media/pdfs/apsa_tf_usstanding_long_report.pdf

Ms. Rice forgets her contribution to the decline of the American international prestige during the area of President Bush.  We have to pursue the President Obama’s direction and
 “...insistence on new regulatory standards, sharp differences on how to combat the deep recession that is gripping the world, protectionist tendencies and calls for a new reserve currency all point to eroding confidence in the American model...”

The Republican convention reinforced the same attitude that precipitated our national and international difficulties during the 8-years of Bush if the office.


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