Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Nuclear Bomb, and Iran

Nuclear Fuel Cycle is the process of enriching uranium-235 (U-235) in a natural uranium ore from (0.72 % to less than 5%), fabrication of nuclear reactor fuel cells, and storage and disposal of the spent nuclear fuels as high level radioactive wastes. Iran is learning to enrich U-235 to levels less than 5%. The Iranian fuel development process is under supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Nuclear bomb would require an enrichment of uranium ore to 90% or more of U-235. Few nations at this time have capability to enrich uranium to this high level. Iran is not one of the countries with ability to produce high level enrichment.

On September 7, 2007, ElBaradei argued against military action, saying: "We have not seen any weaponization of their program, nor have we received any information to that effect - no smoking gun or information from intelligence.

MyAmerica the Beautiful:


Anonymous said…
Well said.

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