
Showing posts from 2007

Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Nuclear Bomb, and Iran

Nuclear Fuel Cycle is the process of enriching uranium-235 (U-235) in a natural uranium ore from (0.72 % to less than 5%), fabrication of nuclear reactor fuel cells, and storage and disposal of the spent nuclear fuels as high level radioactive wastes. Iran is learning to enrich U-235 to levels less than 5%. The Iranian fuel development process is under supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Nuclear bomb would require an enrichment of uranium ore to 90% or more of U-235. Few nations at this time have capability to enrich uranium to this high level. Iran is not one of the countries with ability to produce high level enrichment. On September 7 , 2007 , ElBaradei argued against military action, saying: "We have not seen any weaponization of their program, nor have we received any information to that effect - no smoking gun or information from intelligence. MyAmerica the Beautiful:

Iran, Iraq and the United States: Crimes

The Iraqis army used mustard gas, tabun, sarin and possibly other chemical agents against the Iranians during 1983 to 1988 invasion . Most notoriously, in 1988, Iraqi aircraft dropped sarin and mustard gas on Iraqi Kurdistan, killing up to 5,000 Iraqi Kurdish civilians. The war began when Iraq with full encouragement of the President Ronald Regan invaded Iran on September 22, 1980. CIA special adviser Charles A. Duelfer in a detailed 350,000-word document (October 2004) reported "During the early years, Egyptian scientists provided consultation, technology and oversight allowing rapid advances and technological leaps in weaponization". The Egyptians supplied Iraq with 9-foot-long Grad rockets pre-equipped with plastic inserts in the warheads to hold the poisons. In 1983, the Egyptians modified the Iraqis' Grad 122mm multiple-launch rocket system to enable warheads to carry chemical agents. That powerful weapon system can launch 40 rockets with a range of 12 miles. Iraqi...

The United States, England and Iran: Oil

President George Bush often states that Iran is threatening the interests of the United States in the Persian Gulf ! What are the interests of England and the United States in the Persian Gulf, the Persian front door to Iran? A primer for discussion of these issues must start with a review of British and the United States policies relative to the Persian Gulf region. Stephen Kinzer , a veteran New York Times correspondent, in his book “All the Shah’s Men, an American coup and the roots of Middle East Terror”, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003, brilliantly reconstructs the events leading to the present dilemma of the United States in the Middle East. The events described in this marvelous book are not fiction, events actually happened during the summer of 1953 in Tehran, Iran. The United States Central Intelligence Agency operation Ajax staged coup d’état in 1953 against democratically elected Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh. Democracy was substituted with the ...

The United States, England and Iran: Oil

President George Bush often states that Iran is threatening the interests of the Unites States in Persian Gulf ! What are the interests of England and the United States in Persian Gulf, the Persian front door to Iran? A primer for discussion of these issues must start with review of British and the United States policies relative to the Persian Gulf region. Stephen Kinzer , a veteran New York Times correspondent, in his book “All the Shah’s Men, an American coup and the roots of Middle East Terror”, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003, brilliantly reconstructs the events leading to the present dilemma of the United States in the Middle East. The events described in this marvelous book are not fiction, it actually happened during the summer of 1953 in Tehran, Iran. The United States Central Intelligence Agency operation Ajax staged coup d’état in 1953 against democratically elected Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh. Democracy was substituted with the despotic regime of Mo...

President Bush and Debra Cagan

I don't hate Iranians, Debra Cagan does. Do you? October 1, 2007 At a recent meeting between high ranking Defense Department officials and British Parliamentarians at the Pentagon, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Coalition Affairs Debra Cagan remarked, "In any case, I hate all Iranians." The incident was confirmed by three of the visiting MPs present at the meeting.Should the President of the United States allow this person to be a member of our United States government? MyAmerica the beautiful

American Invasion of Iraq and Israeli-American Front

It is well documented that Israeli-Americans , a segment of International Lobby for the government of Israel had advocated invasion of Iraq. The same groups are using their highly placed influence on the government of the United States and along with the neoconservative fronts to attack Iran . Israeli influence is fully integrated into the American government through its strong Lobby. Even with a majority of Democrats in both the House and Senate of the United States, the Congress still is tied to the yoke of the Lobby. At a late night session in the Senate on Friday, September 14, 2007, Senator Joe Lieberman (I-VT) submitted an amendment to provide $75 million for “democracy promotion in Iran” . The amendment, which was cosponsored by Senators Sam Brownback (R-KS) , Jon Kyl (R-AZ) , Lindsey Graham (R-SC) , Susan Collins (R-ME) , Mel Martinez (R-FL) , David Vitter (R-LA) , passed by voice vote in Senate bill State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Act (HR 2764). The Bush a...